- And with a stronger faith embrace A sword, a horse, a shield. 我怀着更强烈的信念拥抱利剑、战马和坚盾。
- The talks embraced a wide range of issues. 这些谈话涉及的问题非常广泛。
- Extend your hand back and embrace a piece of history. 伸出您的手来拥抱一段历史吧!
- To embrace her was like embracing a jointed wooden image. 若是拥抱她,那感觉活像拥抱一块木疙瘩。
- Palate: Sweet berry, damson plum and stewed rhubarb fruits embrace a tight structural core, which is reinforced by integrated French oak. 口感:酒体厚,口感有浓郁的樱桃果香、甘甜的巧克力味。
- In order to succeed one has to embrace a highly personal practice and not to go with the tide and fool around. 要想成功的话,一个人应该积极地进行自我训练,而不是随大流混日子。
- Supervision by public opinion were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight. 有情人终成眷属舆论监督。
- Rather than abandoning formalities totally, the response in Berlin should have been to embrace a more equitable system of registration. (对柏林的回应应去是创建一个更公正的注册体制而不是将其完全废除)。
- Holt believes that learning can be pleasurable and that learning in the form of games can be the first step in having children embrace a lifetime of learning. 霍尔特认为,读书的过程应该是开心的,而通过游戏的形式来学习知识,则是让孩子从小树立终生学习观念的第一步。
- This shall force humanity to embrace a new manner of relating to all other species or cease to be fed and starve. 这会迫使人类去拥抱与所有其它物种的新关系方式,否则就停止被供给并饿死。
- And it needs to embrace a new generation of leaders who are cut from a rather different cloth than Mr Falwell. 此外,该运动也须支持与福尔韦尔先生个性迥异的新一代领导人。
- Some children copy such irrepressible optimism and confidence, and embrace a life chasing their dreams. 有些子女照搬了这种遏制不住的乐观与自信,拥抱生活,追逐自己的梦想。
- Rather than continuing dawdling diplomacy it would be prudent for the US to embrace a cease-fire. 相对于继续拖延时间的外交斡旋,对美国来说实现停火是个更谨慎的选择。
- Bombardier solutions embrace a complete palette of wayside and onboard products. 庞巴迪公司的解决方案包括路旁产品和列车产品范围全面的产品。
- The NYSE needs to embrace a similar system of independent regulation because public confidence so clearly demands it. 纽约证交所有必要采用一个类似的独立监管体制,因为这显然是赢得公众信心所需要的。
- You should be willing to embrace a certain degree of risk, in return for a potentially larger payout in the future. 你愿意承担一定风险以换取未来可能的更大的回报。
- Our greatest responsibility is to embrace a new spirit of community for a new century. 我们最大的责任是在新的世纪发挥一种新的社区精神。
- Germany is yet to embrace a state-led recapitalization of its banks, such as those adopted by the US and UK. 德国政府没有效仿英国和美国那样,对国内银行业实施政府主导的资本结构重新调整;
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Finally, we waved and bade farewell to all of the inmates. In our hearts, we wished that they would soon embrace a new future under a free sky. 接着我们与每位受刑人挥手告别,心中默默地祝福她们在不久的将来,会拥有不一样的天空与前景。